How can you use DXP data to make Hawai‘i a better place?
Hawai‘i DXP collectively governs Hawai‘i's Statewide Longitudinal Data System, which links cross-agency data throughout the education-to-workforce pipeline.


1 page summary reports showing readiness outcomes (statewide, complex area, school) on how well high school seniors meet the DOE’s vision of a Hawai‘i public school graduate.
A demographic profile of DOE high school completers can be found here: CCRI Graduate Profile
DOE high school completers academic measures by school can be found here: CCRI Graduate Year

DOE completers’ first fall college enrollment locations.

Search by sector or data product type.
Did You Know?
Public school graduates who earned a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) honors certificate or completed a STEM-related Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway had higher college enrollment rates compared to the statewide average.
The on-time graduation rate for the public school Class of 2024 remained steady at 86%.
Of the children who exited early intervention services in FY2019-20, 29% qualified for HIDOE special education Pre-K.