The Hawai‘i Data eXchange Partnership (DXP) is a partnership of five state agencies committed to cross-agency data sharing in order to improve education and workforce outcomes in the state.

How can you use DXP data to make Hawai‘i a better place?

Hawai‘i DXP collectively governs Hawai‘i's Statewide Longitudinal Data System, which links cross-agency data throughout the education-to-workforce pipeline.

baby on stomach with parent's hands on back
Early Childhood
Prepare our youngest citizens for success.
student sitting at desk in classroom
Ensure that every keiki is ready for college and workforce.
portrait of graduate wearing sash with mountains in background
Meet Hawai‘i’s economic needs.
woman using camera
Support Hawai‘i’s labor force throughout their careers.
UH graduates
College and Career Readiness Indicators (CCRI)

Readiness outcomes that show how well high school seniors meet the DOE’s vision of a Hawai‘i public school graduate.

NOTE: CCRI Reports are also available in an one-page summary format.

mccarthy mall with students at uhm campus
First Fall Enrollment Locations

DOE completers’ first fall college enrollment locations.

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Did You Know?

University of Hawai‘i graduates median wage 1

Median wages generally increase as the level of degree increases.

First Eight Years – EIS 2

Of the children who exited early intervention services in FY2019-20, 29% qualified for HIDOE special education Pre-K.

First Eight Years Report 3

A higher percentage of students who attended Executive Office on Early Learning Pre-Kindergarten remained enrolled in the same school from kindergarten to third grade.
